Friday 11 May 2012

Last Night's Dinner - Corn Cakes with Avocado and Goat Cheese Salsa

I wanted to do something for dinner last night that didn't involve past or rice. As much as I love both, occasionally I just need a break. So I decided it was time to try out the Fresh Corn Cakes with Avocado and Goat Cheese Salsa from Love and Olive Oil. I made a few mistakes here - I used frozen corn . . . While it was still frozen. I didn't blend it as suggested. I think using fresh corn and processing it a little bit would add some necessary moisture to the batter. Mine was SOOO thick. It made for extremely dense cakes. I also used a medium-coarse cornmeal because that was what I had on hand. Not a good idea - these don't cook enough to soften the cornmeal, so there were fairly large crunchy bits in it. Oh well - next time!

Tim only ran in to drop off some cilantro for me in between buying us furniture and going to ultimate frisbee, but I made him take a few. He seemed to enjoy them!

Could be a great recipe if I had actually followed the instructions!!

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