Wednesday 13 June 2012

Last Night's Dinner - Bistro Chicken

Sometimes I'll make things once and note (in my psychotic recipe database) that they were good or really good and then never make them again. Until, in this case, eight years down the road, when I see the recipe and go, "Oh yeah, that was great!" And in some cases it's an extremely wonky recipe, like this Bistro Chicken from In the picture on their website, it looks very colourful - they've added red peppers to the photo!! Which is fine, red peppers would probably be really good in this. 

The photo of mine, however, looks quite a bit more monotone. 

 Attractive dish aside, this recipe is really good. It's super light and nicely flavourful. The grapes are crucial, so don't think they're a weird addition and take them out. They add a killer sweet/sour note to the dish. I didn't have the pan turned up high enough when I put the chicken in, so it didn't really brown at all either. I couldn't leave it in to brown because you don't want to overcook it. So make sure your pan is pretty hot before you add the chicken. I also steamed some little potatoes to add for starch. I'd recommend you either do this or add some crusty bread. It could even be good with basmati rice. The picture they have shows red potatoes, this would be a good idea just for colour. The sauce is wonderful.

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